Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Winter Break and the Crazies

So, in just a matter of days, the kids will be out of school for a couple of weeks over Christmas.  I go a little Crazy every year deciding what 'little something' I can get the girls' teachers that will be useful or wanted.  It was a lot easier when the girls only had one teacher all day everyday, back in elementary school.  I know the teachers get a lot of things from their students at Christmas, but I hope that the thing I come up with is not the worst gift they receive.

This year, I decided on 'Snowman Soup'.  A bag filled with Hershey Kisses, candy cane-stir stick, a dozen snowman shaped marshmallows, and a packet of hot chocolate mix.  Fairly easy to assemble, and easy for the girls to take and distribute at school.  The hardest part was choosing the font for the print style on the poem.  I hope the paper stuff stays stuck on long enough to get the little gifts passed out.

I need a nice idea for a gift to a bus driver.  The girls' bus driver is retiring at the winter break.  He's been our bus driver for the past year, but he's been driving a bus in Midlothian for decades.  He really loves the kids, and I want to do something special.  I was leaning toward premium coffee and homemade cookies.  If you have a good idea, please let me know!

My next Crazy obstacle is planning what to buy and prepare to eat during the kids time off from school.  I'm not used to having lunch on hand everyday.  I hope by starting to think about it now, I might actually have a plan in place by the time they are out.

Hopefully, I won't be too Crazy before they return to school in January.

1 comment:

  1. My teachers were pretty happy :)
    i got told from one of them that they enjoyed them :P
