Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Things I Really Love...

I LOVE to cook, and I LOVE getting to sleep in a little.  Next week is Spring Break, so I don't have to get up early and take the kids to school.  But I do have to feed them, and the "stuff" I send in the lunch box isn't going to pass while they are at home.  We are saving money for future trips, so we are not taking a Spring Break get away.  We aren't even going to go camping trip on one of the weekends of the break, and that will be greatly missed this year. 

Since I love to cook, I have decided that choosing a different cuisine for each day is a good way to feel like we are travelling the world.  One of my daughters wakes up hungry like her father, so I am including breakfast in the menu.  Although the husband will not be taking every day off this week, he will be eating breakfast everyday, so I might as well include him.

This is what I've come up with so far:
Sunday, March 9-Greek day
Monday, March 10-German day
Tuesday, March 11-Italian
Wednesday, March 12-Asian
Thursday, March 13-Mexican

This is where it gets a little concentrated.  We might have a Dutch last name, but we are mostly English-Irish.  So, as you can imagine, St. Patrick's Day is kind of a big deal at our house.  We will be celebrating the food of the Irish from Friday, March 14 to Monday, March 17.  I've got a pretty good idea of what those foods will be, but I still have a lot of work to do if I'm going to include breakfasts. 

I think the first thing I need to do is scout out a good place to get a pedicure, since I will be on my feet everyday and I could be wearing flip-flops.  I will come back and link pages to the cuisines once I have the recipes ready to post.  If you have shown up after this post, you are lucky enough to capture the links in place.  I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as my family does. and as much as I enjoy cooking them (with my daughters).

Enjoy Spring Break!!

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