Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bountiful Baskets-Oh Yeah!

My neighbor across the street turned me onto Bountiful Baskets.  She's been purchasing for a few weeks now.  Bountiful Baskets have a national organization of coop produce growers and wholesalers that contribute to a weekly and (some areas) bi-weekly contribution of produce, based on pre-order sales.  Locally, we have the opportunity to purchase regular produce for $15 and organic for $25.  In return, we receive a basket (or box) of fruits and vegetables, and a large amount of each.  I have done it once, and I am completely sold!  In my basket last Saturday, I received pears, apples, bananas, oranges, kiwis, pomegranates, broccoli, cauliflower, red leaf lettuce, corn cobs, tomatoes, and brussel sprouts.  Truly, we got a lot of food to each this week.  In our area, we only get to purchase every other week.  I was completely sold on the price compared to the amount of food I received, easily worth $40.

Over the course of the past two weeks, I have been busier than usual.  One daughter developed a sinus infection last week, and she had 6 teeth pulled this week to go back into braces, resulting in stitches.  Our dog developed a blatter infection.  Both of them were on antibiotics that needed to be given with food.  Of course, the dog was much easier to plan.  With the extractions, softer food was important. The fruit managed to get eaten over the afternoons as after school snacks. Another daughter of mine cut up the fruit on two different days to make her own fruit salad with yogurt.   For the dental girl, one night I made mashed cauliflower, with cream cheese and Parmesan cheese, mashed using a submersible blender.  Surprisingly, they had a mashed potato feel and taste.  Another night, I made broccoli-cheese soup, and it was so tasty.  Last night, my daughter was able to eat more foods that are "chewable."  I made a salsa salad, with grilled corn, avocado, tomato, red onion, cucumber, and a homemade vinaigrette dressing with cilantro.  I baked chicken, then I sliced it and marinaded it with Italian dressing.  My final touch for dinner was the brussel spouts.  I cut them in half, and tossed them in olive oil, placed them on a cookie sheet cut side up, and seasoned them with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper. 

I baked them at 350 degree for 25 minutes. They were wonderful. Healthier than french fries, and just as salty and tasty. I think they would go well with almost any main entree.  A little crispy, and soft, all at the same time.  Everyone loved these little gems.

The only things I have left from my Bountiful Basket are the fruits, and tomatoes, which are technically fruit.  I need to research ways to use the pomegranate.  I have seeded them and I'm ready to make some magic.  I still have all five pears, so I think I might poach them tomorrow night.  I've never done that, so I'm looking forward to that, too.

If you have a local Bountiful Basket location, or perhaps another type of service that is similar to this one, I recommend you check it out.  Lots of food, very low price, and an education in new and exciting ways to use the food.  I've had a blast this week trying new things, and savoring old recipes.

Bon Appetit!